Tuesday, June 29, 2010

return of another beloved feature

"I've worked enough in marketing to know that everyone breaks at some point, that no one needs anything outside food, air, water, and shelter, and that our whole lives are corporation-conducted symphonies. The only way for this to end is for the president of Coca-Cola to stand up before the world and announce that everyone should just start drinking water."

I look forward to this day too, Tim.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

pretty sure I washed it twice this morning

Dear human condition,

What the hell, man? I don't mean to overstep my bounds, but I think you really dropped the ball here. Of all the different things that could have encapsulated the emotional baseline of our species, you chose some pretty rough stuff: loss, malaise, the ever-present feeling of want for things you can't have, etc. Why couldn't the human condition have been something a bit tamer, like "that feeling you get when you're taking a shower, and you aren't sure if you washed your hair so say aw hell and just wash it but you still kinda think you might have just washed it twice"? I think that would have been a whole lot less unpleasant for a lot of folks.

You know, it's not too late to change your image, man. Give it a thought, yeah? Lemme know what you think.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mysteries abound

Going to Pennsic this year. Not very sure why! Right now I think primarily it is sort of a fitness goal. Also I may do the Dungus House, which is a stupid idea that may have the benefit of keeping me entertained.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What I'm trying to say is,

the events in my life feel like a big deal to me. I'm more than happy to grant you the same leeway.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Say no more

I need to learn (another) instrument so I can write catchy songs with powerful lyrics! I was listening to Black by Okkervil River (thanks, Pat) over and over (and over) again, and that is what I felt! But I am kind of concerned that my life is sort of a cushy, uneventful joke. Now, I don't feel that way - from my perspective, every third day is a goddamn struggle against my own molehills-made-mountains. Now, does "powerful" necessarily mean "personal?" I'm thinking it probably does! So that's why I need to be able to do it on my own. Maybe my mom will teach me piano! This is a very weird post, it is not my writing voice!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I am so very fickle with my creative projects. Yesterday I wrote most of a goofy song, decided to see if I could invent a bassline or simple melody on the DS KORG, and get a recording up of something, even though it'd be far from finished, and get it out that night because I was super excited. I never got past writing half of it because I spontaneously decided it was either too silly or just bad. OH WELL. You can see my list of abandoned blogs, but I often think about doing entries for them. Today I need to prepare my D&D campaign. The remainder of this entry has been omitted due to conflict of interest.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New blog

To be totally honest, I just like starting new blogs! I kind of miss my old Myspace blog, which I used for many things, some of which I don't want to bring over into a Facebook context. So I'll be using this one as my place to complain about my life on cold Monday mornings.

Wondering about the title? And the url is just something I thought would be easy to remember.